Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Video Prototyping

Overview : A narration of a scenario where a product or system designed for a user group considering the user needs. In video prototyping it is showcased by filming a video. Why video ? It is only medium where people connect to the concept and be more empathetic.

How was it introduced ? We were shown the different stages involved in the production of actual design. Mock ups, Prototypes, Demos etc. However there are very slight differences among few. Prototypes are again varied on the fidelity. Low-High.

Different Types : Paper Prototyping involving basic sketches and explaining the concept is a low fidelity prototyping. Where as video prototyping or Interactive Prototyping using Flash or other software is High fidelity prototyping.

Topics : All the 30 students were divided into 4 groups and were given topics to choose.
Our team was: KARMA ( the fate )
Manoj Manduva
Shilpa Chaudhry
Gaurang Gupta
Shivi Kapil
Kumudini Roherkar
Vinay Kumar

Topic : Sustaiable Design for LifeStyle
" I chose the topic because for a lifestyle to be changed for good , for a sustainable design to be induced ,it has to lure ,intrigue.
We develop a bad lifestyle out of bad education which affects us really early and lasts throughout life. So its a bigger challenge later in life to deal with such a situation. "
Our prime objective in the design was to choose a sustainable solution that can be induced at all stages of life ( from childhood to elder class ) and to all strata of people ( working class to executives ).

Process : The different steps involved in the Video Prototyping were

1. Ideation / brainstorming
2. Storyboard development
3. Filming /Movie making
4. Editing

Idea : We had several ideas of which few were:
1. Game for Value Education - primary school children (a design solution for children to make them learn the values early in playful way so that there lifestyle is forever set right )

2. Cycle transit in cities ( Pollution , Energy Conservation are the burning issues of today. We can tackle them by simple solutions such as cycle utilization in urban areas )

Changes we made : We shared our ideas with the faculty and they wanted us to be more implementable in approach , so we tailored the idea to suit our own college .

Camera : Sony Handycam
Editing Tools : Adobe Premiere
Duration : 2 days

Approach : We wanted to try something new in movie making and tried " Green Matte "
concept and made the characters move over hand drawn backgrounds which was well appreciated.

Sustainable Cycle Transit System - Karma from manoj manduva on Vimeo.

The video prototyping course was really helpful and more reasonable at this juncture because it taught how to make the design concept be empathetic to users, how can the users approve of the design by imagining themselves in the characters.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Photography is mind game.
It is not what we see that is framed but what we imagine , perceive or what we would like to tell others.

All the years it has been capturing the moment randomly , posing for pictures.
Of course there has been a tinge of expression, philosophy and experimentation in my earlier attempts at photography.

If you observe the pictures below:

There has been a accidental intrusion of design principles like the 2/3 ratio and Golden Ratio in few. But there is no strong philosophy or reasoning for which the photographs are taken.

In the module I learnt that first we should be determined about the subject and then imagine the composition and frame it right considering the design elements.
Often while trying a hand at professional SLR cameras in order to get the right calculation we compromise on the framing or vice-versa. However by practice we can achieve a good balance.

Some of the photographs I clicked on few topics are

Freedom :

On The Job :

Stand Out :

All photographs shot by Canon 350D

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dedicated to Design

Design is the process of creatively finding solutions to the user's problems.
This is my understanding of design. It is also art+science. When I say that. I mean, taking the aesthetics , the feelings, the expression and mixing it with the functionality.

According to our faculty Mr.M.P Ranjan, there are two types of designers. Those who design just for change and those design for a better change. Like the one who changes the angle of curvature in the Nike's sole and those who design the seeding tool for farmers in rural India.

Designers have the great power to change. To change for better. To lay a path for millions. But great power comes with great responsibility.

I want to be a designer to bring new possibilities , build a sustainable world .
I am dedicated to design.